Timehop is this nifty little program that looks into your past and reminds you where you were, what you were doing, what you were sharing in past years on this date.
Pretty cool right?
Most days it is. It's also a peculiar reflection into the past and how different life is now and how much things can change.
My Timehop has been especially triggering for me these past few months, and probably through the rest of the year. It's mixed with "One Year Ago Today" of pictures of a toddling Delaney celebrating her first year of life with "Five Years Ago Today" and celebrating my growing belly with Colton.
Five years.
Anniversaries trigger in different ways at different times. First of course is hard. Though the first year is such a blur you wake up on that first anniversary and think "really? can it be a year already?". Then the years ebb and flow. But five. Five years.
Colton would be in pre-k. Since he was due in December (I still think he would have come in January) he wouldn't be starting kinder yet. But he would be in "school" and gearing up for the great things ahead. He'd be way past "baby" stuff. Would he want to see Ant Man? Would we go to Disney for his birthday? Or probably Legoland. He'd probably enjoy Legoland ....
Would he still have wavy hair or would it have straightened out? Would he prefer hot wheels or legos or maybe even baby dolls...
Would he like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Agent Oso? Handy Manny?
Would he like vegetables? Would he ask me to make him cookies like sissy does now? Would he prefer chocolate chip or snickerdoodles...
Five years ago I was wondering all these same things. Then, though, I thought I would learn all the answers.