I wonder, often, who would you be?
What kind of personality would you have? Would you be introverted or extroverted?
Athletic or intellect or a balance of both?
A lefty? What would your voice sound like?
Would you have dimples? Would you smile bright or smirk a little grin?
What would your favorite breakfast be? Do you like snacks?
What would be your favorite toy? book? song? color?
I wonder because you would have answers to these things now. You would be four this year and your personality would be well established. We could have little conversations where I could see the bugs and trees and flowers through YOUR eyes. Where imagination would lead our lives and wonder would be a marvelous treat.
The other day I was talking with a friend and her son was wandering and looking around. He's almost your age and while we spoke my eyes wandered to him, my thoughts to you.
I wish I could have known all these things about you, my sweet Colton. I wish I knew your eye color, if your hair stayed curly or straightened, what your smile looked like, and - almost more than anything - what your little giggle and voice sounded like.
I miss you. Every day. Even almost four years later I miss you. There isn't a single day I don't think about you and wish you were part of my day, more than just a thought.
I wish, so much, I knew who you would be. Instead I dream and will always wonder.
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